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Raw Material Stanozolol (oral Winstrol)
Package 400 x 5mg tabs
Product Price Total Qty
$130.00 $130.00
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Detailed Overview
Winstrol is a very popular oral or injectable anabolic-androgenic steroid. It ranks up there with deca and dianabol as the most widely used and abused drug by competitive athletes.Stanozolol is commonly refered to as winny (winstrol). Winstrol comes in two forms as mentioned above - both oral and injectable. The injections are the same methylated compound as the oral form of the drug. However, due to this feature, it cannot be esterified for time release. Winstrol has a short active life of around 8 hours.Winstrol counteracts estrogenic side effects such as gyno and water retention - another quality which makes it attractive to the athlete seeking lean mass gains. Winstrol is a 5-alpha reduced substrate. 5-alpha reduction breaks the double bond between positions 4 and 5, which is what is required for aromatase to convert to estrogen. Aromatase is the primary enzyme used for the manufacturing of estrogen within the male body. For avoiding gyno, winstrol is well suited.Since winstrol is not capable of converting into estrogen, anti-estrogen ancillary drugs such as nolvadex or clomid are not necessary when using this steroid. Gyno will not be a concern for even the most sensitive individuals when using this steroid. Winstrol is excellent for lean gains since water retention is reduced when using this steroid. This is due to the fact that estrogen is the cause of water retention. It is excellent to use among athletes who are seeking for a combination of both strength and speed.Another point about stanozolol is its supposed anti-progestagenic effects. Winstrol is said to bind and compete for a position at the progesterone receptor in much the same way that clomid or nolvadex does at the estrogen receptor. This is said to cause winstrol to inhibit progestagenic effects. Progesterone does play a role in the development of gyno since it can aggravate estrogenic side-effects by agonizing estrogen and it also plays a role in gyno.Winstrol, like dianabol, should not be used for extended periods of time since it is a 17-alpha-alkylated substance. Using it for much longer than 4-6 weeks is not adviseable. Some athletes have been known to use it for eight weeks or even longer, but elevated liver values are a possibility if this is the case. For the sake of safety, such a long length of use is not recommended. 4-6 weeks will give the user good results and will add a boost to his or her steroid cycle, especially if stacked with a longer acting injectable ester. The reason for quick results with winstrol is due to its short active life and combined with a greater frequency of injection or oral consumption, results are fairly quick. Dianabol is also used for this purpose.When using winstrol, many of the usual side effects are rare. These include acne, water retention, high blood pressure, and aromatization leading to gyno. Winstrol does not convert to DHT and it results in very minimal suppression of the HPTA. However, since it is a 17-alpha-alkylated substrate, liver toxicity is a concern in high doses of winstrol or when used for extended periods of time. However, it is slightly less hepatoxic than most other 17-AA steroids. Elevation is liver values is nevertheless common with winstrol if used for extended periods of time or at high doses.The normal dosage for men is betwen 30-70 mg per day for the tablets and 25-50 mg per day for the injectable version of winstrol. Winstrol is often combined with other steroids depending on what the personal goals of the athlete are. To gain muscle mass (bulk up), winstrol is best combined with a stronger androgen such as testosterone. This will give the cycle a good anabolic effect while minimizing estrogenic activity. This results in excellent increases in lean muscle mass, as opposed to the more common bulking cycle which greatly increases muscle mass while also increasing water retention and some gains in fat. To lose fat (cut up), winstrol is best combined with a non-aromatizing androgen such as trenbolone or halotestin. This combination can create a strongly defined, hard look. This is a very attractive look sought out by many bodybuilders. Woment should take around 5-10 mg daily for the recommended length of time of 4-6 weeks. .